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商品名稱:茶葉綠菓~茶葉籽油(矮樹茶葉籽) 商品名稱:Extra Virgin Tea Oil 成份:天然茶葉籽 商品內容(中文):色似瑪瑙的茶菓香味濃郁,有不遜於花生及芝麻的香氣和滑順的口感。復古風味、懷舊十足,適合熱拌、涼拌、藥膳。拌幾匙就香氣四溢、開胃無比。讓忙碌的現代人,煮的輕鬆,吃的健康。 商品內容(英文):This agate-color oil is full of fresh aroma and smooth taste. It is no less than the peanut or sesame seeds oils. It is revivable and retrospective. It is suitable for hot or cold tossing and medicated diet. Only need to toss few spoons of this, there will be full of fresh aroma and give you a good appetite. Let us cook easily and eat healthy. 保存方法: 避免陽光直射或放置爐邊。本產品如有沉澱或雲霧狀屬於自然現象,敬請安心使用。 用途(中文): 適於拌飯、拌麵、調味料理皆宜 用途(英文): Suitable for tossing rice, noodles, seasonings and cooking